MAY 23-25, 2014
The 12th National IMSA Convention was an outstanding convention. The convention was held in The JW Marriott of Washington DC.
Friday, May 23rd started with registration and followed by the reception, where IMSA members and their families met with others.
On Saturday, May 24th the scientific program began with a continental breakfast for the registrants followed by a very powerful CME program lead by Dr. Zayd Eldadah.
The lunch program started with a welcoming speech by the IMSA president, Dr. Toma. The CME committee chair, Dr. Zayd Eldadah presented CME lecturers with honorary certificates in recognition for their services. He also recognizes four Iraqi siblings for their scientific projects.
At 6:30 pm, all members gathered to take the traditional group pictures.
During the evening on Saturday, the IMSA members attended the convention’s gala. The members and their families proudly sing Iraq’s national anthem, “Mawteni”. Dr. Raad Toma presented the life achievement award to Dr. Hamid Al Mondhiri.
Dinner and dancing were enjoyed by all. Music was provided by an Iraqi Rafid Sawa and his band.
Sunday, May 25th, began with a general assembly meeting attended by the active IMSA members who were present. This meeting was followed by a brunch attended by members and their families. The afternoon was free for members to enjoy the city’s attractions.
The Sunday night event at Al Mass hall was a hit. All enjoyed the night that entertained by Rawi Alaani and Hicham Al Anmari.
Everyone had a greatly enjoyable experience at this year’s convention, and we’re looking forward to the 2015 IMSA national convention that will be held in San Diego Insha’Allah.